Metal Symphony Website

Interview with Julie Westlake – Hydrogyn –

M.S: Hi Julie! It’s a pleasure for Metal Symphony from Spain talking with
you. All fine?

J.W: All is good and I am too glad to be talking to you!!!!

M.S: Hydrogyn is a young and an unknown band for many of the Spanish metalheads.
I think it should be a great idea you described yourselves in a few lines. Who
is Hydrogyn?

J.W: Very aggressive hard Rock /Metal band with great melody and a great
live show.

M.S: “Bombshell” was your first studio album. Released this year, it was
all a declaration of intentions. What balance you do of your first album?

J.W: Good balance of heavy hitting songs and melody that allows you to release
yourself in the music and get lost for a while.

M.S: A debut album always is a little “experimental”. Now, a time after:
what things do you consider are the most remarkable of “Bombshell” and what
things are that ones that you possibly would change of the album today?

J.W: Nothing. I love the CD the way that it is but I can tell you that the
next one is going to be a bit heavier and more aggressive and that is just the
way the band is progressing.

M.S: A year after I guess you have learned many things: the people, the
shows…But, in what it has varied your point of view since you already began
your short walking a time ago?

J.W: My view has not changed and I am actually more into now if that is
possible and more determined than ever. I love the live part of it and love
the fans. It is awesome.

M.S: What CD’s do you currently have available and where can they be purchased

J.W: The Cd is available on our site at If you are in
France the CD is going to be released via Underclass on the 27th of this month
and then Cargo is going to be getting it out to the rest of Europe.

M.S: Can you tell us which songs on the record are your favorites?

J.W: I like them all but I love Blind, Book of Names, Confession and Breaking
me Down.

M.S: What’s the meaning of rock n roll for Hydrogyn?

J.W: It is a release and a way to get that release to our fans. We love
to be able to get people to come out and lose their self in the show and forget
about their life for 90 minutes. We get the release as well.

M.S: Your lives have changed considerably I suppose…What aspects of your
life are the most different now?

J.W: Just being in the public eye 24/7. That is the big thing , interviews
non stop, public appearances demand of your time but I love it all and so does
the band. We love the fact that we can bring something to someone that allows
them to enjoy life and that is what music is for.

M.S: Is being everything as you imagined it?.

J.W: No it is more on all levels but not always good. But yeah we have run
in to more than we expected but we love it and would not change it for anything.

M.S: It’s easy to see that one of the brands of the band is the image of
sexy woman you give in some pictures. Where did you get the idea of giving this
kind of stetic for a rock band?

J.W: It all started from Michael Wagener and our guitarist Jeff Westlake.
We had come up with the name Bombshell and those 2 guys started working extra
hours to come up with the photo shoot and the layout of the entire thing. Michael
then went to John Scarpati who has shot Motley Crue, Great White, The Stones
and many more. Then we had a meeting with John, Michael, Jeff and Myself. Spent
about 2 days of kicking around ideas and looking at different shoot possibilities
and then the 4 of us came up with the entire concept and executed it. Love it.
Plus we wanted to do a modern day Monroe type thing with a dark side to it and
I think it worked I love the cover. Michael Wagener did all of the CD layout
with the photos Scarpati took. He did the entire thing as well as producing
the CD.

M.S: Now we are in a kind of “gothic era”. Many gothic bands with front
woman are being born these years. In spite of this, Hydrogyn is very different
to all of this…how do you see this situation?

J.W: I am not into the Goth thing that much. I want to be my self and the
band wants to stand on its own merit and be Hydrogyn not a blend into the rest
of the music world. We did not want people to say we sounded like any one we
want to sound like Hydrogyn and look like Hydrogyn. We take what we like and
blend it into our sound.

A modern sound with throwback influences a s well and the big thing as I
was told from day one joining this band from Boggs and Westlake was to be a
great vocalist. The reason they picked me was for the clarity and the fact that
I have never listened to rock before joining the band. I listened to country
and religious music believe it or not. Then I got in to this and Loved it and
so it has become a part of me very deeply.

M.S: What “role” do you think play the woman in this “metal/rock world”?

J.W: I wish it could be more. Look at Doro. Love her or not she has stood
the test of time in a male driven business. That is how you do it. You get in
it and stay with it just like the guys and the longevity of your career as long
as your music is great and you are good live continually wins you fans everyday.
A lot of the bands out there that have the part time female vocalist so they
have a selling point for pictures are not going to be that. Look at Benedictum….
Good friends of ours. They are doing it. Amy Lee is doing it. Belladonna there
in Spain is doing it. I would like to see more of it but you have to be able
to stand on your own 2 feet for a length of time.

M.S: what type of audience are in USA?What kind of audience has Hydrogyn

J.W: Well we have good audiences for the most part. I know a lot of bands
are complaining of crowds but then again what does your music say? We are averaging
about 3 thousand a night on our own shows and many nights we have played in
front of 10 15 thousand with already established acts so I think it has been
good. There are those nights that aren’t but they are out weighed by the good

M.S: What’s your opinion about some persons could interest in you only for
your image?

J.W: That is part of it. You have to understand the entire picture of things
and if there are people out there and there is that don’t care for me or the
band so much but love the image we portray then I will take it. As long as we
get the attention we will take it. Look at Kiss, Sabbath and so on. Their image
sells their music and they are not complaining.

M.S: What are your goals for the future?

J.W: To continue to grow HYDROGYN into a Global band and get to Spain and
the rest of Europe to play this fall or Winter. Start writing for a new CD in
mid 2007 for early 08 release. Who knows what will come up along the way too.

M.S: Tell me something new that this album can offer to the discographic

J.W: That is something you are going to have to decide as the listener.
It is heavy with good melody and good hooks. The CD has no filler tracks on
it. Every song has purpose to it. SO many times you get a CD with a couple good
tunes in it but this one has 14 killer tracks of great music I think.

M.S: Are you going to play live to support the album?

J.W: Oh yeah we just finished up a leg of 3 months here in the states and
plan on more and overseas as well well into 07.

M.S: Are you included in the third edition of monterrey metal fest, I suppose
that you are proud, isn´t it? will it be a special set list?How are you going
to face this how?

J.W: Yeah we are excited to do that one. Our set list will be 40 minutes
of just blistering music with a big surprise at the end.

M.S: Supposedly, Slayer have cancelled the concert in the festival because
Stryper play before they – and they have catholic beliefs – ,what do you think
about Slayer’s attitude?

J.W: I think it is their belief and their call. They have to live with themselves
and their decisions and I am sure their fans willl back them. They have been
around a long time and I am sure they weigh their decisions out before making

M.S: Do you want say something to the Metal Symphony readers and the metal
fans in general?

J.W: Hope all is well in your part of the world and thanks for supporting
Hydrogyn. We hope to get their to see you guys soon. We appreciate everyone
and come say hi to us on our myspace page at

M.S: Well, we have come to the end of the interview. We want to wish you
very good luck for the next shows! It was a pleasure!. See you soon,Bye!

J.W: Thank you and see you soon. U ROCK

David A./ Raúl Del Amo

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