M.S: Hi, thank you for answering our questions. How are you?
Fine! Thank you.
M.S: As you haven’t played in Spain yet, could you introduce yourselves to our readers? Tell us something about when and how the band was formed, your present situation and work… What is this Manic Movement? hehe…
I (Olivier Wittenberg) created the band Manic Movement in 1993, in Geraardsbergen (Belgium). In the beginning – and during 3 albums – we played with a male grunter. Since 2008, we decided to enlarge our musical spectrum with a female voice and become more accessible, reaching different audiences.
Now we are ready with our new album called “Hot Hot Hot” that will be released in October 2nd, 2010. We also have a Tour – the “Hot Hot Hot clubs’ Tour”- planned in the Benelux during the months of October and November, for the presentation of this new CD.
M.S: If someone wants to gather info about you, where could they listen to you or buy your albums?
You can listen to songs’ samples on our website www.manicmovement.be.
We also have a myspace www.myspace.com/manicmovement and a facebook’s account.
The next album will be released by Universal/Moonzoo Music in Benelux and distributed in all the stores where Universal is represented. The option to be released in Europe is later.
M.S: How did the MFVF organization get in touch with you? Did you send them first your material? Or did they call you? I’m sure you’ll be more than proud participating in this festival which is held every year, right?
First of all, our first booking’s agency “Well Well Well” contacted the MFVF’s oragnisator. They get a good feedback.
This is the second consecutive year that we have the chance to play at this great festival. Sure we are very happy!
I remember that the last year’s audience was amazing! We had a lot of fun on stage.
M.S: Nowadays, would you say that having women in a metal band leaves you in a second place concerning the rest of the bands in the metal scene? I mean, in the rest of the metal festivals you can find only 2 or 3 women fronted bands. Do you consider MFVF as a good way for bands like yours to have the chance to play in big venues?
Unfortunately, the metal world is a little bit “macho” and conservative. And it’s not easy for women fronted bands to find their place. So the MFVF is the perfect place for bands like us.
You cannot change in one day a big city like the metal, but I’m sure that, little by little, the way of “female metal” is going to open up. For example: Look at Arch Ennemy.
M.S: MFVF is characterized mainly in hiring bands from so many different countries to come and play in Belgium, how’s the metal scene in your country? Would you recommend any bands for our readers?
The metal scene is not widly applied in our country, it’s better in Germany, the Netherlands or the Nothern countries. It’s a shame! I’m sure we have talents in Belgium that do not evolve for this reason.
The Belgian public is quite reluctant to this kind of music. They seem to be afraid about it without even listening. I think that this kind of music is more complete and interesting in the lyrics, the instruments and the orchestration than techno or pop music. This is my point of view.
M.S: You’ll be at the eight edition of MFVF, which bands would you like to see?
The line up seems to be interesting with a lot of new bands. I think it will be great.
Last year I was surprised by the band Krypteria and I enjoyed their show.
M.S: Concerning your show, what can the audience find on stage?
In Manic Movement we are 6 musicians, but in the next album “Hot Hot Hot”, another guy is born. His name is Darky, the little baby devil that you can see on the album’s cover. Inside the album, he grows up with songs like “Song Of The Devil”. If I tell you Eddy and Iron Maiden, you got some hints to guess our live act. But Eddy cannot sing…
M.S: I guess you are playing tracks from your last album “Hot Hot Hot”, what could you tell us about it?
All the atmosphere of the next album is about heat, fire, Hell and the devil. That’s why we chose the title “Hot Hot Hot” that is also the refrain of the song called “Song Of The Devil”.
Otherwise, the songs deal with themes as varied as ruptures, death, spirits, but also more common themes as the problems of this world or funnier songs featuring characters like the devil or crazy puppets!
M.S: What would you say people to attend the festival?
Be there Friday and don’t miss the “Hot Hot Hot” show of Manic Movement!
M.S: After the festival, which are your more immediate projects?
Immediately after the MFVF, we will continue our Clubs’ Tour till the end of November.
We signed our new album on the label UNIVERSAL/Moonzoo Music, so we hope to be more and more on stage! Which musician wouldn’t want that?
M.S: Thank you for your time! See you this October in the MFVF and good luck in your career!
It’s my pleasure. Thank you for you interest and support!
David Aresté